I Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Geo¶rodowisko - Klimat, Przyroda, Człowiek - Kraków 2024

Speakers presenting research results

In April 5, 2024, an nationwide conference took place in Kraków Geo¶rodowisko – Klimat, Przyroda, Człowiek, during which the following presentation were announced by the Department epmloyees, PhD students and students:

Tomasz Kalicki, Piotr Biesaga,
Paweł Przepióra,
Martyna Grys, Marcelina Maturlak,
Izabela Biegalska

Zapis działalno¶ci człowieka i zmian kulturowych w dolinie Nidy (¶rodkowa Polska) w okresie wpływów rzymskich
- presentation

added 07.04.2024

Lecture by employees of the Department at PAU - Kraków 2024

A poster with an invitation to the PAU meeting

On March 22, the Head of the Deparment Dr hab. Tomasz Kalicki Prof. UJK and a Ph.D. graduate Dr Piotr Biesaga gave a lecture entitled Ewolucja dna doliny Nidy w późnym glacjale i holocenie, which took place during the meeting of the Commission on Quaternary Palaeogeography at the Polish Academy of Art and Sciences in Krakow.

added 28.03.2024

Scientists from UJK will help in research to discover the oldest traces of settlement in our country

The site in Kościuki visible from a sky

At the beginning of the year, Radio Kielce presented a ranking of the most important ones scientific and cultural events in 2023. Among the most important events in science were recognized, among others, research on "Swamp Fortresses" on Podlasie, in which scientists from our Faculty took part Institute of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Department of Geomorphology and Geoarchaeology UJK. The manager of the Kielce team was Dr. hab Tomasz Kalicki Prof. UJK, which he recently gave to Radio Kielce interview on this topic.

We invite you to read it.

Event ranking 2023 of Radio Kielce

A short interview with Dr. hab. Tomasz Kalicki Prof. UJK

added 25.02.2024

18. KEA(CEA) 2024 - Hradec Králové

Speakers presenting research results

In February 7-8, 2024, an international conference took place in Hradec Králové (Czech Republic) KEA (CEA): 18th Conference of Environmental Archaeology, during which the following presentations were announced by the Department epmloyees, PhD students and students:

Tomasz Kalicki, Piotr Biesaga,
Paweł Przepióra,
Martyna Grys, Marcelina Maturlak,
Izabela Biegalska

A record of human activity and cultural changes in the Nida river valley
(central Poland) during the Roman period

- presentation

Tomasz Kalicki, Bartłomiej Szmoniewski
Stradów – the largest early medieval stronghold in Poland in the light
of interdisciplinary analysis

- presentation

Tomasz Kalicki, Jani Puntos Konstantinovski, Cyryl Puntos Konstantinovski
Ancient city at Kourion (S Cyprus): Environmental conditions of the location
and functioning (first results)

- presentation

Tomasz Kalicki, Krzysztof Żurek
The Bronze Age Filipy site in the peat bogs of the Narew underfit river valley
- case geoarchaeological study

- presentation

On the second day, conference participants took part in a trip, among others, to Josefov Bastion and Všestary Archeopark.


added 10.02.2024

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