Distinction for a student for her master's thesis under
the supervision of Dr. hab. Anna Świercz Prof. UJK

Distinguished student with her promoter and competition organizers

The second edition has been decided Competition for the best diploma thesis related to thermal energy, environmental protection and engineering and renewable energy sources. The first place was awarded to a master's thesis written under the supervision of Dr hab. Anna Świercz Prof. UJK entitled Właściwości fizyczno-chemiczne odpadów produkowanych przez MPEC sp. z o.o. w Kielcach
i możliwości ich zagospodarowania
, whose author is Mrs Aleksandra Wrońska.


More information on the website of the city of Kielce

dodany 26.01.2024

Rector's Awards - 2023

Rector's Awards  for Tomasz Kalicki - 2023

On December 2023, the Rector was awarded and supervised a prominent scientific employees of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. Among the honored was department manager, Tomasz Kalicki.


added 20.01.2024

Merry Christmas 2023

Employees of the Department with friends

The employees of the Department of Geomorphology and Geoarchaeology and their friends wish you a Merry Christmas!

added 23.12.2023

28. Kvarter 2023 - Brno

Christmas illuminations in Brno

On December 1, 2023, an international conference took place in Brno
(Czech Republic) 28. Kvarter, during which the following posters and presentations were announced by the Department epmloyees, PhD students and students:

Aleksandra Korban, Alicja Szafirska, Magdalena Ziółkowska
Transformation of the urban heat island in relation to geomorphological aspect
- case study from Kielce (Poland)

- poster

Paweł Przepióra, Grzegorz Pabian, Tomasz Kalicki, Karol Zubek, Łukasz Podrzycki
Traces of historical metallurgical activity in alluvium of Hutka River
(Holy Cross Mts., Poland) – preliminary results

- poster

Paweł Przepióra, Tomasz Kalicki, Martyna Grys, Marcelina Maturlak,
Izabela Biegalska,
Karol Zubek, Łukasz Podrzycki
Microscale iron spherules as a trace of former metallurgical activity in Biała Nida and Czarna Nida River valleys (Holy Cross Mts., Poland) - preliminary results
- presentation

added 03.12.2022

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