Scientific Conference Analiza Chemiczna w Ochronie Zabytków - 2020

Logo of the conference

In December 4, 2020 took place an e-conference - Analiza Chemiczna w Ochronie Zabytków, during which the following presentation were announced by the Department Employees and PhD students:

Tomasz Kalicki, Wojciech Głuszewski, Marcin Frączek, Paweł Przepióra,
Krzysztof Żurek

Wykorzystanie datowań OSL w interdyscyplinarnych badaniach stanowisk archeologicznych na przykładzie Jatwiezi Dużej (NE Polska)
- presentation

added 04.12.2020

International Scientific Virtual Conference AgroEco2020 - 2020

Logo of the conference

In December 2-3 grudnia 2020 took place an e-conference - AgroEco2020, during which the following poster were announced by the Department Employees and PhD students:

Anna Œwiercz, Agnieszka Gandziel, Ilona Tomczyk-Wydrych
Dynamics of changes in selected soil traits in the profiles of arable soils anthropogenically alkalised with in the Kielecko-Łagowski Vale (Poland)
- poster

added 03.12.2020

IV PhD Students' Forum UJK - 2020

Remote presentation title page

On November 17-19, 2020 took place an e-conference VI PhD Students' Forum Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, during which the following presentations were announced by the Department PhD students:

Krzysztof Żurek
Environmental conditions of the "valley fort" sites between Biebrza and
Narew rivers

- presentation

Piotr Biesaga
Ewolucja ujściowego odcinka doliny Nidy
- presentation

Piotr Kusztal
Progress in research of the Late Glacial and Holocene evolution of
the Czarna Konecka river valley

- presentation

Michał Aksamit
Mała retencja w Staropolskim Okręgu Przemysłowym – aspekty geomorfologiczne i sedymentologiczne
- presentation

Karolina Fularczyk
Riverbeds and reservoirs changes in Old - Polish Industrial District based on cartographic and geological data - progress report in the academic year 2019/2020
- presentation (Prodomus Rector's award)

added 18.11.2020

Augmented Reality Sandbox (Piasek i rozszerzona rzeczywistość) – krajobraz w zasięgu ręki

Logo, meadow and trees in the background

On November 13, 2020, a free geography workshop for children will be held by Dr Marcin Frączek. Registration for the workshop is open until November 10.

More informations

added 07.11.2020

9th National Scientific Conference of Young Researchers - Krakow 2020 (videoconference)

Remote presentation title page

On October 23-25, 2020 took place an 9th National Scientific Conference of Young Researchers entitled Man in a changing environment. During the conference the following presentations were announced by the Department epmloyees and students:

Karolina Fularczyk, Tomasz Kalicki Piotr Kusztal
Historyczne i współczesne zmiany węzła hydrograficznego w rejonie Sielpi (Wyżyna Małopolska, Dorzecze Środkowej Wisły)
- presentation

Krzysztof Żurek, Tomasz Kalicki
Prospekcja georadarowa doliny Brzozówki
- presentation

added 25.10.2020

Science Festival E(x)plory - Podzamcze 2020

On October 29, 2020 in Podzamcze the on-line version of the E(x)plory Science Festival will take place. Among many presentations, there will be presented byDr Marcin Frączek one of the lecture Augmented Reality Sandbox - krajobraz w zasięgu ręki.

Science Festival E(x)plory - Presentations

added 22.09.2020

Travelers Avenue 2020 - awarded i.a.
Dr hab. Tomasz Kalicki Prof. UJK

Tomasz Kalicki stands at the volcano

On October 10, 2020, in Krakow at 10.00 a.m., a memory board will be unveiled in the Avenue of Travelers, Explorers and Conquerors at Lem st. commemorating Polish Scientific Expedition to Peru lead by Prof. Andrzej Paulo, along with a research team, including Dr hab. Tomasz Kalicki Prof. UJK.


2020 nominations of the Travelers' Avenue Chapter

added 21.09.2020

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