Public defense of the MSc Sławomir Chwałek doctoral dissertation

Sławomir Chwałek during his speech

On March 30, 2021 in the Institute of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, a public defense of the MSc Sławomir Chwałek doctoral dissertation took place:

Environmental conditions of the location and the functioning of Nea Paphos
(IV BC - IV AD) in Cyprus - geoarchaelogical study

Dr hab. Tomasz Kalicki Prof. UJK

Dr hab. Iwona Hildbrandt-Radke Prof. UAM
Dr hab. Piotr Szwarczewski

The defense of the doctoral dissertation ended with the the Department PhD student success. Congratulations for the new Doctor!

added 30.03.2021

Public defense of the MSc Grzegorz Pabian doctoral dissertation

Grzegorz Pabian during his speech

On March 29, 2021 in the Institute of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, a public defense of the MSc Grzegorz Pabian doctoral dissertation took place:

Transformation of post-mining areas in Œwiętokrzyskie and the possibility of their multi-aspect use

Dr hab. Tomasz Kalicki Prof. UJK

Prof. Dr hab. Eng. Andrzej Paulo
Dr hab. Eng. Elżbieta Pietrzyk-Sokulska
Dr hab. Barbara Radwanek-Bšk

The defense of the doctoral dissertation ended with the the Department PhD student success. Congratulations for the new Doctor!

added 29.03.2021

World Wetland Day - 2021

Heart shaped in water reservoir logo

This year, the World Wetland Day is celebrated under the slogan
Wetlands and Water.

More information

added 31.01.2021

Rector's Awards - 2020

Rector's Awards  for Tomasz Kalicki - 2020

On December 21, 2020, the Rector was awarded and supervised a prominent scientific employees of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. Among the honored was department manager, Tomasz Kalicki.


More information

added 23.12.2020

E-conference - Regional geology of the West of the East European Platform and adjacent territories - Minsk 2020

Logo of the conference

In December 9-10, 2020 took place an e-conference - Regional geology of the West of the East European Platform and adjacent territories, during which the following presentations were announced by the Department Employees and PhD students:

Marcin Frączek, Agnieszka Bęben, Adam Wawrusiewicz, Tomasz Kalicki
Palaeoenvironmental context of the Subneolithic hunter-gatherer communities of the Niemen culture – case study at Lipsk site (NE Poland)
- presentation

Tomasz Kalicki, Paweł Przepióra, Łukasz Podrzycki
Diversity and age of sediments building kame hills near Suchedniów
(Kielce Upland, central Poland) - first results

- presentation

Tomasz Kalicki, Paweł Przepióra, Edyta Kłusakiewicz, Łukasz Podrzycki,
Karolina Fularczyk,
Grzegorz Pabian, Krzysztof Żurek
The Œwiœlina river valley structure at the Doły Biskupie site (Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland) - preliminary results
- presentation

added 20.12.2020

4th National Hydrological Conference on the World Water Day occasion - Poznań 2020

Logo of the conference

In December 12, 2020 took place an e-conference - 4th National Hydrological Conference on the World Water Day occasion entitled Naturalne i antropogeniczne zmiany obiegu wody, during which the following presentations were announced by the Department Employees and PhD students:

Tomasz Kalicki, Paweł Przepióra, Piotr Kusztal, Michał Aksamit,
Paulina Grzeszczyk,
Marcin Frączek
Geneza i wiek osadów w zbiorniku wodnym w Sielpi (woj. świętokrzyskie) - wstępne wyniki
- presentation

Karolina Fularczyk, Piotr Kusztal, Tomasz Kalicki, Krzysztof Żurek,
Zmiany koryta Czarnej Taraski (środkowa Polska) w ostatnich stuleciach
- poster

Karolina Fularczyk, Piotr Kusztal, Tomasz Kalicki
Zmiany sieci rzecznej w Staropolskim Okręgu Przemysłowym w ostatnich stuleciach - studium przypadku dawnego stawu w Furmanowie na Czarnej Koneckiej
- poster

added 14.12.2020

3rh Scientific Conference Zmiany klimatyczne
w przeszłości geologicznej - 2020

Logo of the conference, tundra in background

In December 9-11, 2020 took place an e-conference - Zmiany klimatyczne w przeszłości geologicznej, during which the following presentation were announced by the Department Employees:

Andrzej Gałaś, Tomasz Kalicki, Slávka Gałaś
Analiza potencjalnego wpływu erupcji wulkanów w holocenie i zanieczyszczeń przemysłowych na zmiany środowiska i klimatu w Polsce
- presentation

added 11.12.2020

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