Promotion of the Świślina Valley geo-educational guide

Vice-Dean of WSiP UJK together with the authors of one of the guide's stops with a ready geo-educational board in the the background

On November 23, 2021, was took place the promotion of the guide and boards for the geoeducational path entitled Dolina Świśliny, whose co-authors are, among others employees of the Department and PhD students.

Photo report from the event
Czasopismo UJK
TVP Kielce
Teleexpres Extra - 24.11.2021 - 6:40
Local TV - Kunów
Echo Dnia
Radio Kielce
PIG - BIP - Kielce

added 23.11.2021

PYRAC - Poznań Young Researchers’ Archaeology Conference 2021

PYRAC logo

On November 17-19, 2021 in Poznań (Poland) took place an international conference PYRAC – Poznań Young Researchers’ Archaeology Conference. During the conference the following presentations were announced by the Department employees and Phd students:

Krzysztof Żurek, Tomasz Kalicki, Adam Wawrusiewicz
Network of Lusatian ashfield community objects and human- environment relations, NE Poland
- presentation

Marcin Frączek, Jakub Niebieszczański, Krzysztof Żurek
Early medieval settlements complex near Grodzisk (NE Poland) in the view of interdisciplinary research
- presentation

Cyryl Konstantinovski Puntos, Tomasz Kalicki
Transformation of the Carpathian hillforts in SE Poland during last Centuries
- presentation

added 20.11.2021

Promotion of the Świślina Valley geo-educational guide - invitation

Poster with promotion of the Świślina Valley geo-educational guide

added 09.11.2021

Second Meeting of the Neolithic and Bronze Age Three Seas Archeology Commission

UAM Logo

On 5 November, 2021 in Poznań (Poland) took place an Second Meeting of the Neolithic and Bronze Age Three Seas Archeology Commission. During the conference the following presentations were announced by the Department employees and Phd students:

Adam Wawrusiewicz, Tomasz Kalicki, Krzysztof Żurek, Marcin Frączek, Aleksander Piasecki
„Fortece na bagnach”. Interdyscyplinarne badania obiektów o charakterze obronnym z późnej epoki brązu w dorzeczu Biebrzy i środkowej Narwi
- presentation

added 07.11.2021

The Great Educational Plebiscite 2021 - Świętokrzyskie

Logo of the plebiscite with smiling children and teachers

In a plebiscite organized by Echo Dnia entitled The Great Educational Plebiscite in category Academic teacher the following Department employees were nominated:

The results have been announced!

Tomasz Kalicki - Vote - Plance 12
Ewa Nowak - Vote - Plance 24
Paweł Przepióra - Vote - Plance 10

We encourage to take part in the voting, which will last until December 14
to 20:30.

We also invite you to vote for our University.

Vote for UJK - Plance 2

added 29.10.2021

Kompleksowa Ekspedycja Jaćwieska - 2021

People in conference room

From September 14 to 16, 2021 took place a Kompleksowa Ekspedycja Jaćwieska - Fenomen wielodyscyplinarnych badań nad Jaćwieżą conference. During the conference the following presentations were announced by the Department employees:

Tomasz Kalicki
Prace geoarcheologiczne Zakładu Geomorfologii i Geoarcheologii UJK w Kielcach w NE Polsce – metody i wyniki
- presentation

added 18.10.2021

German Quaternary Association (DEUQUA) -2021

Logo of the German Quaternary Association

From September 30 to October 1, 2021 took place the international videoconference of the German Quaternary Association (DEUQUA). During the conference the following posters were announced by the Department epmloyees and students:

Krzysztof Żurek, Tomasz Kalicki
Man-environment Interaction in the Bronze Age, North-eastern Poland
- poster

Cyryl Konstantinovski Puntos, Tomasz Kalicki
Changes of Selected Early Medieval Strongholds Around Przemy´sl (SE-Poland) in the Anthropocene
- poster

added 09.10.2021

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