Geomorphological and Hydrological Laboratory
The Geomorphological and Hydrological Laboratory was established for the purpose of conducting scientific research and didactic classes
implemented for the entire Institute of Geography and Enviornmental Sciences of UJK
Prof. UJK Dr hab. Tomasz Kalicki
Laboratory employees
MSc Eng. Iwona Grochowalska
The scope of activities:
Field research
Analysis of physicochemical properties
Elemental analysis
Analysis of inorganic compounds
Sediments dating (TL / OSL methods)
Details on the possibility of commissioning individual analyzes are determined individually with Geomorphological and Hydrological Laboratory Head.
Laboratory rooms use terms:
Detailed information can be found in the following statements:
General Information
Accepting samples for analysis
Storage of the samples
Archiving and storage:
To archive sample storage, complete the following documents:
TL/OSL dating
14C dating
Other analyzes
The completed document should be handed over to the Head or other employee responsible for providing access to the laboratory premises for archiving of samples and their proper storage.